Getting married at Orient Congregational Church.
Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! If you are considering the Orient Congregational Church as a location for your ceremony, please call our office (631-323-2665) and ask if the church and a pastor is available. As an Open & Affirming Church, we fully support all couples, including LGBTQ+ couples and their right to legal marriage in the State of New York. Please be aware of these requirements and customs, and ask if the pastor if you have any questions.

Weddings at OCC
Interview and Counseling
You should arrange to meet with the pastor before the wedding to discuss the relationship into which you are entering, and to plan the details of the service. Please bring with you a completed pdfwedding application. Normally, two or three meetings are sufficient Marriage License
Marriage License
The license may be obtained from the Town Hall of your city/town of residence or from the Town Hall of the city/town where you will be married. It must be obtained within 60 days of the date of the wedding. Both parties must appear at the Town Clerk’s Office. The license should be delivered to the pastor at the rehearsal. The pastor is responsible for signing it and delivering it to the town clerk after the wedding.
All marriages at the Orient Congregational Church must be conducted by or have one of the pastors of the church as a participant. If the service is to be performed with another clergy person, advance approval is required from the pastor of this church in consultation with our diaconate. If this is something you desire, contact our pastor directly as soon as possible to insure proper preparation and approval.
The Service
Because the pastor acts in the name of the Orient Congregational Church in blessing a marriage, we choose to apply certain conditions to all that are performed in our church. Those conditions will be discussed in the counseling and service planning sessions. You may choose to discuss appropriate vows or scripture readings with your fiance prior to your counseling sessions.
Photography is permitted but must not interfere with the wedding ceremony. Photographs may be taken before or after the ceremony.
The music to be used in your ceremony will be a joint decision between you, the pastor and the church organist. The organist will be happy to meet with you but this meeting should be at least two weeks before the rehearsal. You may use your own organist; however, this must be approved by the church organist and there will be a “bench fee” as listed under fees. If you are planning to use instruments other than the organ, this must also be cleared ahead of time with the church organist. If instruments or music not usual in UCC wedding services are desired, they must be approved by the organist and the pastor ahead of time.
A rehearsal is normally scheduled the day before the wedding. It will be conducted by the pastor, and the entire wedding party should be there a few minutes ahead of time. It should take 45 minutes and can be scheduled before a rehearsal party or dinner. Remember to bring the license and all payments to the rehearsal.
Please No Rice
Use something environmentally friendly like flower petals, lavender, birdseed, soap bubbles.
The church hall (Fellowship Hall) in the lower level of the church is available for catered receptions for church members only. There is an additional fee for the use of Fellowship Hall, in the amount of a $300 security deposit and $50/hour rental fee. These fees do not include setup or cleanup.
The church allows the use of alcohol, beer and wine only with a signed waiver and by prior approval of the Church Council. There is an additional $25/hour rental fee if you will be serving alcohol, and a waiver must be completed.
Due at the rehearsal:
The fees listed below pertain only to the use of the meetinghouse, the parlor and the restrooms.
Use of the $300.00 (non church members) to the Orient Congregational Church
Services of the pastor $400.00
Services of the organist $250.00 for wedding service, includes an interview for music selection and an extended prelude before ceremony.
$50.00 for wedding rehearsal
$50.00 for additional rehearsal with other musicians
$75.00 Bench Fee (only if another organist is used)
Services of the custodian $50.00
Any questions, please contact us at 631-323-2665. We’re delighted to be of service!