Sunday Bulletin July 12, 2020

July 11, 2020

ORIENT CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH, U.C.C. July 12, 2020 – Posted on YouTube
As you prepare for this morning’s service this morning, and as this series on Beauty comes to a close, listen and we shout out the Good News from God. You are invited to dance along to: Celebration / Playing for Change / Song Around the World

No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
Call to Worship
Come and worship, everyone on earth, everywhere the sun shines,
Let’s praise God together!
For listening when we call, answering our prayers, forgiving our mistakes, and providing what we need:
Let’s praise God together!
Come and worship, everyone on earth, everywhere the sun shines,
Let’s praise God together!

Christine Longhurst – re: Worship (Based on Psalm 65)
Hymn Blessed Assurance Prayer of the Day
Creator God, in praise and adoration our spirits dance before you today. You have
created this wondrous universe and all the magnificent things within it. You have blessed us with so much throughout our lives, even to this day of praise and thanksgiving. Let our spirits soar! Let our hearts sing boldly of your wondrous love. We celebrate your love and presence with us, and it is in the name of your Son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, that we offer this prayer. Amen.
written by Nancy C. Townley, and posted on the Ministry Matters website.
Sharing with the Young at Heart
Psalm 91:9-16 (Taken from Jim Taylor and Everyday Psalms)
9 Let your faith be your umbrella; live your life under God’s protection. 10 Rain clouds will not ruin your picnics; nor will thunderstorms drown your fondest desires. 11 The spirit of God will surround you like a shining shield. It will deflect the sticks and stones, 12 and smooth your
passage over speedbumps and potholes. 13 Neither wind nor sleet nor hail nor snow—nor stress nor illness nor peer pressures—shall keep you from growing closer and closer to God. 14 For God says: “Because you trusted me, I will give you more cause to trust; because you knew me enough to ask for help, I will help you. 15 When you call, I will answer you. When you fall down, I will pick you up. 16 I will accompany you through a long life; I will never leave you lonely and afraid.”

Hymn: Children of God (CMP)

Time of Silence
Pastoral Prayer and Lord’s Prayer
Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
Congregational Response Hear Our Prayer, O Lord
Hear our prayer, O Lord, hear our prayer, O Lord.
Incline Thine ear to us, and grant us Thy peace. Amen. Offering Sentences
Anthem: God of the Movements and Martyrs Breaking Open the Word with Scripture

(CMP) Isaiah 52:7-10 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
7 How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of the messenger who announces peace, who brings good news, who announces salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”
8 Listen! Your sentinels lift up their voices, together they sing for joy; for in plain sight they see the return of the Lord to Zion. 9 Break forth together into singing, you ruins of Jerusalem; for the Lord has comforted his people, he has redeemed Jerusalem. 10 The Lord has bared his holy arm before the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.
Reflection: Rev. Mary Larson She’ll be Coming Around the Mountain (The Good News, That is!)

Hymn For the Beauty of the Earth (SCM) 3

Congregational Response: God Be With You
God be with you till we meet again. Loving counsels guide, uphold you, With a shepherd’s care enfold you. God be with you till we meet again.

Postlude Hallelujah, Beautiful Morning! *****###########################*****

With Thanks:
This series is adapted from by Marcia McFee
(NBA UK) Thanks to Northern Baptist Association UK for their permission to use their music and videos:
Blessed Assurance
(SCM) Thanks to Small Church Music for their permission to use their music:
Hear Our Prayer, O Lord
For the Beauty of the Earth God Be With You
Hallelujah, Beautiful Morning!
(CMP) Thanks to Convergence Music Project for their permission to use their music:
Children of God
God of the Movements and Martyrs (Zachary Light Wells Version)

Prayer Concerns: Bob & Leslie Black, Pete Cavallo, Dr. Caroline Gatewood, Liam Goldstein- Cross, Carole Katz, Georgianna Lanza, Diana Latham, Paula Long, Thelma Loper, Carole Miller, Matt Rolle, Sally Tomlinson, Susan Utz, and Carrie Winter; our country and its leaders; our Church; The NY Conference of the UCC; the members of our Armed Forces, firefighters, EMTs, those engaged in law enforcement, and people affected by war, hurricanes, and other disasters; those who persevere to provide essential services for us all, the healthcare workers and medical staff on the front lines in this fight against Covid-19, the people of the world who have contracted this new disease, those who have lost the fight, their families and friends, and all who are emotionally isolated through our social distancing efforts to reduce the potential tragedy.

Birthday Blessings
Happy Birthday to Terry Latham who celebrates on July 15, and to Julia Mulligan who celebrates on July 16. May God bless you abundantly on your birthday, Terry and Julia!

Plans for the Sanctuary Entrance
Members of the Church Council met with Sherry Thomas this week for a consultation about the sanctuary entrance. Soon work will begin; the platform at the entrance will be raised. The
front walk from the street will have two steps up to the new elevation.
The brick walkways on either side will be taken up and securely reset so that they come to the new level. The step into the building will thus be reduced to about four inches, instead of the current seven plus inches. When we return to worship within our beautiful sanctuary, the entranceway should be easily entered. A big thank-you goes to Cheryl Kaiser for arranging for
this consultation and work.

Do You Know Someone Who Needs Garden Space?
The Community Garden Team will not use the church’s garden this summer. But that does not mean that the land should lie fallow. If you, or someone you know, would like to have a space in the garden, please contact Cheryl Kaiser at

The Upper Room is in the Office
The July-August issue of The Upper Room is in the church office. Do you normally pick up a copy from the narthex? If so, let the office know – 631-323-2665 or – and a copy will be mailed to you. The office has also just this past week received this issue as a pdf file to be shared with any congregant who wishes it. Contact the office for this choice too.

Fellowship Goes On
Fellowship is good for the soul and is just plain FUN! Join the weekly Virtual Coffee Hours at noon on Sundays; come and go as you are able. Watch for Diane’s email invitation with the link and the telephone numbers (your choice of which to use). If you are not receiving these invitations, please contact Diane Johnson at and give her your email.

Don’t Forget Your Pledges and Your Mission Support
Your church needs your support. We are not worshipping in the sanctuary or meeting in Memorial Hall, but the building and property need care and maintenance; the utility bills continue to come in.
Mission ministry continues. With the cutbacks, unemployment, and simple uncertainty of global economies, organizations that count on donations find themselves in greater need than ever. Contributions are dwindling while the needs of the people they serve increase. Support our Wider Missions Committee’ s work.
Your donations may be dropped off in the mailbox outside Memorial Hall, mailed to PO Box 425, Orient, NY 11957, or sent via PayPal.

Don’t Hesitate to Ask for Help
If there is anything you need, even if it is simply a need for someone to talk to, please don’t hesitate to contact Cheryl [] or Diane []. There are volunteers available to assist you. Cheryl and Diane are also staying informed about the Corona virus situation and available services. They promise to maintain confidentiality when requested.

Social Distancing and Praying for Others
As you practice social distancing, please be mindful of others. Reach out to those who live alone; keep in touch with your neighbors. Pray for the health care workers and the emergency response teams who risk their lives by not remaining at a safe distance. Thank the people whose role in life is considered essential and who therefore are still on the front lines doing their duty and performing their jobs. Pray for God’s children of all lands and races.

Giving to Your Church as You Shop Online
You can give to Orient Congregational Church while shopping online. Remember to use and; simply choose OCC as the recipient, and look for your vendor in their list.
Amazon no longer gives donations to worthy organizations through Goodshop. You now need to log on through Amazon Smile which is at Once you choose OCC as the recipient, logging on this way will send your church a small percentage of your purchase. You can also activate AmazonSmile in your cellphone settings. Every little bit helps.

Social Media Updates
OCC website: The church’s website is at Please go to it; check it out; explore the many pages; and let us know what you think. Do you have any suggestions to improve it? Contact Cheryl at
Facebook: Claire Smith posts several times a week to our Facebook page. The links for Sunday services, UCC information, and announcements can be found there. If you have photos of church events and can share
them with us that would be most helpful.