Contact Orient

Questions? We’re here to help!

“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”
Ephesians 4:32 NIV

The Orient Congregational Church office is located in Memorial Hall located behind the church.

Everyone is welcome to stop in at any time.

23045 Main Road
PO Box 425
Orient, New York 11957
United States

Office Hours:
Tues & Thurs
10am – 2pm



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From the East: Take the Cross Sound Ferry from New London CT to Orient Point. From the ferry make a left onto Route 25 (Main Road). Travel 3.6 miles and the Orient Congregational Church will be on your right just past the Oysterponds Elementary School.

From the West: Take Route 25 (Main Road) east towards Orient Point. Once you have passed over the causeway, travel approximately 1 mile and the Orient Congregational Church will be on your left hand side.

Parking is located in the back of the church.