There are certain facts about OCC that have remained true over the years:
- Missions, both locally and globally, have been a priority in our church life.
- The community of members and friends of OCC is welcoming, inclusive, and supportive within and well beyond our church doors.
- Music links our spirits to our individual faith beliefs through singing hymns, the choir and the instrumental gifts of our musicians.
- Sunrise services on the beach bring us renewed ties with nature and hope.
- Uniting lives in marriage are joyful ceremonies to share, as are baptisms.
- Shedding tears together over the loss of loved ones binds us closer to one another.
- Tiny voices being heard and small children toddling up the aisles during prayers or sermons brings smiles, generation after generation.
- Sitting together in the garden with nature is a relaxing communal experience, offering a change from our more formal worship in our beautiful sanctuary.
- Each generation has kept up with repairs and made improvements to our buildings and grounds.
- Any activity involving food is well attended!
- Church fairs are eagerly anticipated by the community and provide an opportunity for everyone to participate.
While this is only a partial list, it shows the vibrancy of our church over the past 300 years and its ability to continue to provide a place of worship, programs, and more importantly, the mission of spiritual healing and love within and beyond our church walls.
We are encouraged that the process of finding our new pastor is well underway and our water issues are being addressed and rectified. In order to provide access for all, we are exploring the possibility of installing an elevator. We have a newly-equipped playground, which is being used by the summer camp and is open to the community.
We are happy to have the Kalynchuk family living in the parsonage for the summer and have enjoyed getting to know them better and watching the garden come to life again under their care.
We are proud to be an Open and Affirming Church and continue to pray for law enforcement, firefighters, EMTs, and those who are struggling for racial justice.
We all have gifts. By each of us contributing in our own way and capacity, we will continue to be in a good place. We are here for you, please reach out to us!
With prayers for a safe and enjoyable summer to all,
Mary Ellen and Sharon